First of all, welcome!

I'm Lisa! I am equal parts homebody/adventure seeker. The hats I wear that make me proud to be me are wife, mama of two energetic boys & your family photographer.

Let's start at the beginning, shall we? I dabbled in so many different career paths before landing here.  Each new job brought me some joy, but something felt missing. I wasn't passionate about the work I was doing and longed for something more meaningful. Enter photography! I decided to take my lifelong hobby and turn it into a career. FINALLY, something that filled my cup, gave me purpose and a career I actually loved. Not only was it something for me, but something that I could do for others. Once I started pursuing my business full-time, I've never looked back.

My Story:

Some of my

+ My hottie SURFER/engineer husband
+ Our FUN and Energetic boys
+ boxing and walking
+ Coffee (all day, every day)
+ Books, puzzles, Houseplants
+Making family photo sessions fun & EFFORTLESS
